Man, this poor blog has been massively neglected since the start of the fall and holiday craziness. Almost every friend and family member we know celebrates a birthday between January and March. Whew. We made a quick trip to NC to celebrate a special 2nd birthday. We had a great time creating a card for him. Definitely had a great time once we found the museum. Some people know how to throw great parties...cake pops, bubbles, and one worn out toddler=perfect. Here are a few pics.
I am a maker, baker, mom, wife, sister, daughter, coworker, and friend. I love to create. I love to photograph happy trees and my happy baby girl. A long time ago I learned to make new friends and keep the old. You will find project posts and random musings on this blog. Don't you just love the excitement at the outset of something new? Or when you are eating something delicious and warm out of the oven? I do.
Crafting, creativity, baking, life, randomness. Decided to write about my adventures--both the triumphs and the disasters because being a grown-up limits my time to discuss such things at a reasonable hour.
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