Thursday, September 29, 2011

CSA Goodness...oh the vegetables

My twelve year old self would say "oh the horrors" when looking at this photo. All those vegetables. Our summer community supported agriculture program (CSA)through the Five Points Market is wrapping up...I have enjoyed the "what are we getting" anticipation that comes with this program. It is nice to have someone else corralling local and regional fresh fruits and veggies, but we are going to skip the fall CSA.

Our fall plans include several trips down to NC, wedding showers, trips, and ceremonies, festivals, running, and about one trillion other things. I just don't see it as a good option when we will be out of town and running like mad. I am looking forward to the butternut squash risotto that my husband will make from the last of our summer CSA. Looking forward to seeing the CSA peaches and berries next summer(or apples as my daughter is currently calling every piece of fruit she sees)!!!


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