Money talks, dessert sings. -anonymous
Let my words, like vegetables, be tender and sweet, for tomorrow I may have to eat them. -anonymous
Both quotes from the book The Splendid Table's How To Eat Supper
Aren't these quotes great?!! They came out of this great cookbook from a fantastic show, The Splendid Table. My husband and I decided to put our money where our mouths are and support local agriculture and small business this summer by joining one of our local CSAs. (Community Supported Agriculture). We pick up the week's offerings on Friday and try to consume all our fruits and veggies over the weekend and the following week. The fruit is easy to savor. I am a fruit junkie and so is my little bird. Is there anything better than delicious peaches, watermelon, and blueberries on hot summer days? Not in my book.
Veggies are another story. I am not a big greens eater, but as I age and mature(I hope), I have realized that I should try and expand my food horizons a bit and eat a little healthier. We have gotten some expected vegetables, like butter beans, and some other more adventurous offerings like Japanese eggplants and patty pan squash.
It has been a good experience thus far. Easier for me to say because my husband does all the cooking and I do all the taste testing and dessert baking. I will try and post some more shots of our CSA bounty later in the season. On a random side note, I have also been attempting to grow my own tomatoes and herbs on our fire escape, but that is for another blog day and another blog time. Have any of you joined a CSA or made weekly trips to the farmer's market part of your routine? I would love to hear about your foodventures!
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