The city of Norfolk has beautifully decorated mermaid statues all around the city. I made silver mermaid charms for all my bridesmaids in the spring of 2008. I wanted to make something special and unique for bridesmaid gifts. It was an ambitious project that was finished at the last minute. My sweet husband accompanied me to jewelry class sessions to help me finish the project. I was so crunched for time that I didn't finish one for myself. I started making one just for me, but I need to finish the back so I can actually wear it....another project to tackle in 2011. I have to make it back to my jewelry class to work on this project since I don't have a full jewelry making operation...a full workshop requires two things: space and money...lots of it. I have been MIA since becoming pregnant. Pregnant feet and standing for long periods of time in jewelry class did not mesh. If you were a bridesmaid in my wedding and are reading me a photo of you wearing your mermaid necklace so I can add it to this post. I much prefer to view jewelry pieces on actual people. What kind of gifts have you given or gotten for participating in weddings?
Sauerkraut & Dumplings
6 years ago
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