We traveled down to NC recently to visit with family members who have a beautiful home in a golf course community. Of course, I could care less about the lush green golf courses. I did love seeing and admiring the cross-stitch samplers framed all around their house. Envision beautifully intricate designs- not the cross-stitch basic samplers every little crafter does in elementary school.
It is always wonderful to sit and chit chat about creative ventures. My aunt knits, cross-stitches, and quilts. I told her how I have a tendency to start projects and never quite finish them. My husband and my mom's attic would have shouted an "amen" after my crafting overload confession moment.
A woman she knew who completed a quilt a week (I can't even imagine that level of productivity) told her to "never go to sleep without putting her hands on her projects." My aunt then told the story of a quilt that had been lingering unfinished at her house and after getting that advice she did work a little on it each day until it was done. Finding large chunks of crafting time is definitely an ongoing challenge. I have been thinking about this piece of advice and am going to give it a whirl. First up: knitted squares that are still waiting to be stitched together into a blanket for my daughter...
Oh, on a side note: we also went for a nice walk on the beach while down there. Children playing at the beach= total joy.