a)the person will hate it
b)the person will think i am cheap
c)the person will have no idea how much time, work, and money went into the project.
I saw a commercial last year that had a guy saying...nobody really wants handmade gifts for the holidays. I also read articles online and watched a news segment about comments made by Mo Rocha about handmade sweaters. He was called out by knitters nationwide for a casual complaint he made on a NPR radio show (I think it was Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me) about handmade sweaters being itchy. Cheap yarn is itchy. Good yarn is so soft and lovely. I think advertisers and people with bad memories of gifts made from cheap supplies tarnish the handmade gifting and further exacerbate my worrying cycle. See a,b,c above. Repeat.
I am always looking for new gift ideas so I can give my gifts without worry of all of the above. I recently read a great little book called Gifted: Lovely Little Things to Knit and Crochet
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